Pilgrim Challenge 2026 is now open for booking!

All 2025 events now open for booking!

Five Top Tips for Christmas Fitness

Neil's ultimate guide to the healthiest Christmas.

First Time Ultra - Tring September 2023 by Steve Sinden

Why would anyone do this more than once? Spoiler Alert: I’m going to do it again … and you should too!

Voom tips and advice for the Chiltern Challenge

If you want to get the most from your body and the event it’s definitely worth checking out these tips from our official technical partner VOOM Nutrition. VOOM covers the pre-race period, taking on energy, and maintaining hydration.

Pilgrim Challenge 2023 by David Morrison

How crazy to say that I am already into my second ultra of the year. Thankfully the Gods were on side and the weekend was set up for perfect running conditions.

Devil’s Lite Challenge Hydration & Fuelling Briefing

We’ve partnered with Precision Fuel & Hydration to give you expert advice and free electrolyte supplements to help you perform at your best during your ultra.

Win a place at the Druid's Challenge!

It's the holidays and it's Easter so let's celebrate with some fun!

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